F1 Foundations | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

In a world where definitions seem to be up to the whims of the interpreter… most business owners find it increasingly difficult to get their team moving in the same direction and executing in a timely, efficient manner. Often the general resounding theme from staff usually is in the form of complaints declaring that “no one told us” Or “we didn’t realize that was important” or “I thought you meant something else.” Or cue the meeting that goes an hour and a half over schedule with a conclusion of “we’ll schedule a follow up meeting to address these issues”,.. sound familiar?

Better yet- do you as an owner experience frustration because you are the only one who cares about your business, customers, and processes?  It is the plight of many business owners who lay awake at night wondering how to build a better team, how to accomplish the goals at hand and experience real growth, how to overcome the obstacles in front of them with the people they have on their team. Honestly- how to enjoy being a business owner again remembering the drive and purpose that the business was founded on.

What does this have to do with words you may ask? Well… in short- words matter – they are truly foundational to the very core of success your business is built on… and far too many business owners overlook the importance of clear communication and how it dictates the literal future success of their business. To take a step further, definitions matter- heck let’s be even more direct- having your team operate from the same version of the definition is critical to your internal communications.  Let me give an example, I was conducting a facilitation to develop core values and one of the values she wanted to include was the word “fun”. I then asked her what that meant to her, to which she replied with words that described her actual work and learning process as “fun”. When I asked her what her front desk assistant’s definition of “fun” might be in relation to her job, my client quickly realized that word would not be interpreted the same and could lead to a lot of behaviors that she didn’t want to have to manage. Therefore, we came up with a word that was more accurately descriptive for all… the word was “joy”.

For business owners who put real emphasis, clear definitions and behavior patterns to the words they use within their business, the result is a dynamic, enthusiastic team who is ready to follow the lead of their CEO.  The purpose, mission and values of the company are clearly spelled out and everyone on your team can recite them- better yet, display them in their daily job performance. It all starts with foundation.

 If you don’t know where to start- then now is the time to break out the old pen and paper and write yourself a letter detailing what made you go into business in the first place and what your initial hopes and dreams for your business were. Do not get caught up in all the reasons things went in a different direction- just simply focus on (for now) why you started and what your dream was. That is the start of forming a solid foundation.

Kristin Demos, https://f1-foundations-first.mailchimpsites.com/about[email protected]

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