From the Publisher - - July 4 celebration | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

As we celebrate the birth of our country this month, take a few minutes to reflect on how God has so richly blessed the United States of America since our founding fathers declared our freedom from England. Countless sacrifices have been made, and continue to be made, by many individuals to ensure that our nation remains free to worship God, maintains a democratic system, and stands as the greatest nation on earth.

Yes, there is turmoil on many fronts in our country. However, the United States remains the freest and most admired country in the world.

At the same time, thank God for the more important eternal freedom from our sins and eternal life with Him that is available to anyone through His ultimate sacrifice, the death and resurrection of His son Jesus.

Take a few minutes to discuss the freedoms and liberties we are so blessed to enjoy as Americans, emphasizing the importance of understanding that religious freedom, our ability to openly worship God, is the cornerstone and foundation of our nation. Be sure to involve your children in this discussion.

Given the current events in our country and the world, we cannot and must not take for granted that we will always be able to enjoy liberty and religious freedom as we have known it.

We are one nation under God. May He, in His mercy, continue to bless America.

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