What the world needs now…is Jesus, The Greatest Gift. People are hurting in our community…and all around the world. The Lord expects us to help others.
Think about our Scripture reading today. Peter and John were walking to the Temple in in the afternoon. A beggar who had been crippled since birth was asking passersby for alms. Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have…but what I have I give you. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth…walk.”
Taking him by the right hand…Peter helped him up…and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. Everyone needs a hand up at times. Give them The Good News.
Prayer: Lord, please help us today. May we see others as You see them…and extend our helping hand with words and deeds…empowered by The Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus…You created us to know You..to love You…to serve and honor You. Give us the courage to be like Peter and John when the opportunity arises this month. Amen…and…Amen.
Ralph Vaughn