Scrolling on social media you will find plenty of posts from travel bloggers, photographers and others who are getting out there and exploring the world. It can seem and overwhelming and depressing to those of us who spend most of our hours working.  However of you think travel is inaccessible, don’t. There are plenty of ways that you can see the world on whatever budget and timeframe your schedule allows.

First start with your calendar. Each January we celebrate National Plan for Vacation Day on the last Tuesday in January. There’s no better time than January when you are planning your year to go ahead and map out your vacation time. When you make travel a priority you are more apt to go.  Think about what is realistic for you – is it three days, five days, a week? Your next vacation may not look like that travel blogger’s, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be amazing.

Second – Less is more.  No matter if you’re limited by financial or time constraints you probably won’t be able to see everything you want to see.  When it comes to travel less is more. Spending three days leisurely wandering the streets can be more meaningful than packing in all the sites as they blur together and you don’t even remember what you did or saw. Prioritize what is important to you and allow that to dictate where you spend your time and your money.

Lastly – don’t forget who you’re leaving behind. When taking time off work communication is key. Be honest about your travel plans and make sure you’re asking what’s expected of you before you leave. No one likes to clean up messes others leave behind so be considerate and have a plan in place for anything that may arise while you are away.

Everyone needs a little R&R, so don’t feel guilty about taking the time you’ve earned to get out there and explore.   

Heather Schreader, Vacation Specialist, Dream Vacations – (615) 583-9460
[email protected] –

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